If children CAN do well...
then they WILL do well!


Schools, teachers, parents, and kids love us!

"More important than the curriculum is the teaching and the spirit in which it is given."

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn."

"I can create lessons with AI, or I can buy them. But I need more to make a difference."

How we enable children to do well

Tools, data, analytics, and active improvement software that provide an environment where kids thrive.

Focus on kids

Put child enablement at the heart of schools and communities.

Empower schools & families

Provide environments where entire schools can do well.

Drive improvement strategies

Use data-driven insights to implement meaningful change.

Our "RAPT" approach

Readiness | Analysis | Progress | Transition

Holistic school & community frameworks that enable children to thrive!


Use multiple tools for pupils, groups, classes, teachers, whole schools, and entire communities.


Analyze data to identify problems, spot trends, and understand children's environments.


Gain insights to make plans, inform decision-making, and manage children's environments.


Address tactical problems, create strategic solutions, and drive measureable change.


Readiness Tools

Child Readiness
Family Readiness
Teacher Readiness
School Readiness
Learn more

Analysis Tools

Holistic Well-Being
Learn more

Progress Tools

Tactical Progress
Strategic Progress
Continuous Improvement
Learn more

Transition Tools

Starting School
Year Group Transitions
Moving to High School
Leaving School
Learn more

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